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Student Hall of Residence Ljubljana | Procedure for students applying for the first time

Procedure for students applying for the first time

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  1. A student shall send the Admittance Application or submit it in person to the competent office for student residence halls in individual university centre by 10 August 2011 at the latest.
  2. The enclosures to the application are specified in the call for applications.
  3. Students are advised to observe instructions and deadlines in order not to be excluded for formal reasons.
  4. Students must fulfil the following general conditions:
    • citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia,
    • having the student status and being enrolled in study programmes carried out as regular studies, and not being employed,
    • having the student status and being enrolled in study programmes carried out as part-time studies for at least three days a week, and not being employed,
    • average gross income per family member in the previous year does not exceed 150% of average gross salary per employee in the Republic of Slovenia in the same period,
    • permanent residence at least 25 kilometres from the place of studies,
    • not being excluded from residence halls.

    Exceptional subsidy may be granted to students whose permanent residence is less than 25 km from the place o studies:

    • if the nearest stop of public transport is at least 4 km away, or
    • if students live in particularly difficult social and health conditions.
  5. A certain number of points is assigned for the following:
    • distance of permanent residence from Ljubljana,
    • material situation of the student’s family
    • student’s marks in preliminary education.

    Students may acquire additional points:

    • for exceptional success and extracurricular activities,
    • for social and health situation and other extraordinary circumstances,
    • when enclosing appropriate evidence.

    The system of points shall be subject to the criteria from the Rules on Subsidised Residence of Students.

  6. After 15 September 2011 (after all evidence has been collected, including the confirmation of enrolment), the Office for Student Halls of Residence shall send the student a decision on meeting conditions and number of points acquired.
  7. After 15 September 2011, the Office for Student Residence Halls shall publish on-line priority lists for moving in (separated by gender). The secrecy of data is guaranteed as students recognise their data by the number of decision.
  8. The acquired right to residence does not yet constitute an actual place in student residence halls. Subject to vacant capacities, students shall be sent moving in notices in the order from the priority list. Students shall be obliged to move in within three days of the reception of the notice; in the opposite case they lose the right to residence.