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Student Hall of Residence Ljubljana | Notice to the SDL`s residents

Notice to the SDL`s residents

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Dear residents of ŠDL,

As you have already been informed, the National Institute of Public Health has published Recommendations for the Prevention of SARS CoV-2 Disease when Opening Student Dormitories, which must be strictly followed. We would also like to remind you that until their revocation, residents are also obliged to comply with Extraordinary Instructions for the Prevention of Infection Spread.

According to the mentioned recommendations, only healthy residents can return to dormitories (those, who have not had any of the symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have been healthy during this period, and have not been in contact with a person, who has shown signs and symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days). To stay in ŠDL, you must first fill in the Statement of a Resident of ŠDL upon the Withdrawal of Measures to Stop the Spread of COVID‑19. You must send a fully completed and signed Statement at the latest when returning to the dorm on the e-mail address: Without a written Statement it is currently not possible to stay in the dormitory.

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the above-mentioned recommendations and extraordinary instructions, please contact the Reception Office by e-mail address: or telephone numbers (01) 242 10 20, 051/362 995.

The Reception Office in Rožna doline, the Reception Office of the Dormitory for postgraduate students and the Office for student dormitories and other ŠDL services are available, until further notice, by phone during office hours or by e-mail; and in-person only exceptionally, when absolutely necessary and by prior arrangement.

Only healthy people, who do not show any symptoms of COVID-19 and are obliged to strictly follow the instructions on how to prevent infections, can enter the business premises of ŠDL. Before entering the premises, the use of a protective mask and hand disinfection is mandatory, while those waiting for the service are obliged to keep a social distance of at least 1.5 m. Premises are entered individually.

All measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in connection with containing the spread of COVID-19 can also be followed on the website of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the website of the National Institute of Public Health.

As always, you will be informed about all changes and news on the website of the Študentski dom Ljubljana.

We hope you stay healthy and you successfully complete all your study obligations.

Kind Regards,

ŠDL Management
Ljubljana, 3 June 2020