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Student Hall of Residence Ljubljana | Notice to residents of 22 June 2020

Notice to residents of 22 June 2020

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Dear residents of ŠDL,
we would like to inform you that, in accordance with the withdrawal of systemic measures to limit the spread of the virus by the competent institutions in Slovenia, we have changed Extraordinary instructions for the prevention of infection spread. The mentioned extraordinary instructions enter into force on 23 June 2020 and are valid until their revocation. Please read the extraordinary instructions carefully and follow them strictly.
At the same time, we would like to emphasize once again that in order to stay in ŠDL, you must fill in the Statement of a Resident of ŠDL upon the Withdrawal of Measures to Stop the Spread of COVID‑19. You must send a fully completed and signed Statement at the latest when returning to the dorm on the e-mail address: This means that without a written Statement it is currently not possible to stay in a dormitory.
In addition, residents are expected to thoroughly clean their rooms before going to holiday, remove trash and perishable food from the apartments, check that you have turned off the lights, turn off electrical appliances, etc., and report any faults to caretakers. Users or owners of refrigerators are obligated to defrost and clean them, and to remove perishable food. From common areas, bathrooms, balconies, etc. remove personal items, trash, food leftovers, various packaging, bottles, and other useless items.
As always, you will be informed about all changes and news on the website of the Študentski dom Ljubljana.
We hope you stay healthy and you successfully complete all your study obligations and spend pleasant holidays, we warmly send you best regards.
ŠDL Management
Ljubljana, 22 June 2020